Sometimes the pulp of the tooth, which is located in the root, can become inflamed. When this happens, a root canal is performed to remove the affected pulp. Many people hear about a root canal and associate it with pain and discomfort. It is normal to have some discomfort after having one, but excessive pain […]
Rebuild your smile with dental implants
Losing a tooth is not a fun experience unless you are a five-year-old who believes in the tooth fairy. Teeth extraction can affect the way you eat. Losing too many teeth can change your appearance and affect your self-esteem. The good thing is that you can always replace lost teeth with dental implants. Dental implants […]
Common signs that you need emergency dental care
Accidents happen and they can affect any part of your body, including your mouth and teeth. While some injuries very obviously require emergency dental care, there are others that are more subtle and can leave you wondering just how quickly you need to be seen by a professional. Some patients avoid emergency treatment out of […]
How To Find the Right Dentist For You
Finding a dentist can be anxiety-inducing. Remember, regular dental visits help you protect your teeth and keep dental problems at bay. Having poor oral health can also add to high-risk situations, so you need to take the time to find the dentist that is going to be right for you. Check Your Insurance Coverage Insurance […]
Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening
There are several reasons why teeth develop stains. For one, certain foods and drinks can contribute to the discoloration of your teeth. For another, the buildup of plaque may make your teeth look yellow. They can also look yellow due to erosion of the hard enamel. This erosion reveals the dentin under the enamel. The […]
How Can You Tell If You Have Gum Disease?
The mouth is full of bacteria that, along with other particles and mucus, constantly form plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a colorless, sticky material that accumulates on the exposed parts of your teeth. When it hardens due to poor brushing and flossing habits, it forms tartar. You cannot get rid of tartar by brushing […]